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Ph. (952) 446-1519
[email protected]

M - TH 8am-5pm;
Voicemails checked daily

As the impact of societal action unfolds in response to the outbreak of COVID-19, we would like to share our current thoughts regarding your services from our company later this season:

Due to the nature of our work, we must be on your property in order to deliver service.   When business resumes, we plan to deliver our services responsibly and safely.  During the current period of intense precaution, we’ve implemented steps to prevent transmission including:

  • Embracing a new habit of “social distancing”
  • Enabling staff to work from home
  • Equipping field staff with:
  • An increased awareness of the need for cleanliness and safety
  • Instructions to help clients who prefer that we do not enter, perform certain tasks that we would do if we were to enter your home or business
  • Tags or stickers to help clients identify certain equipment
  • And more…

Some of the impact of changes to our service delivery or, in response to your requests may include:

  • You turn on/off water or electricity in lieu of our entry into your home or business
  • Increased electronic communication in lieu of phone calls
  • The potential for scheduling changes should you or our staff experience quarantine or its effect on loved ones


Our best to you and your families.